Be Thankful: 9 Tips to Live by

be grateful

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it’s that time of the year when being thankful is popular and on the top of everyone’s minds. However, we should be thankful year round. Some people have a strong sense of gratitude, love and appreciation for others, but there are others who do not. Keep this in mind the next time Grumpy McGrumperson tries to come out and play, people who actively work on being thankful are generally happier and healthier than those who do not.

How can you be thankful year-round?


  1. Keep a journal. I myself have never been one to write in a journal or diary but on occasion when I’m down I will take out a pen and paper and go for it. I remind myself that life can always be worse than what it is right now. Writing down even one thing per day of what you are grateful for will help you move forward and stay positive.


  1. Be mindful. Take time for you, not every second of the day needs to be planned out. Embrace the moment and stop worrying about what’s coming next. Whether you’re taking a walk or sitting outside, take time to notice the beautiful fall leaves or feeling the cool breeze on your face you. Taking time for yourself will not only help you physically feel better but it will also help your mental wellbeing.


  1. Be still. I’m not necessarily talking about being still or doing nothing for a long length of time, but just a few minutes a day to reflect. On my commute to work I think about the day to come and try to enforce having a positive outlook on the day ahead. On my commute home I use this time to decompress.


  1. Take a Vacation. It took me years to actually take this one to heart and do it. Sure we take days off here and there but is it really a vacation day when you are taking your kids to the doctor or waiting for the cable guy. No, it isn’t, you need a real break from everyday life. Take time to enjoy life and do something you really want to do. The time away will not only recharge your batteries but it will also give you a since of appreciation for what you have. I did not take this advice until I had to go out on medical leave, don’t burn yourself out where your body will make you take a break whether you want one or not.


  1. Live a healthy life style. To be thankful, we need to be healthy to appreciate all that life has to offer. Take care of your health, body and mind. Try and get 6-8 hours of sleep, eat healthy and exercise.


  1. Volunteer. You don’t have to go overboard on this, but do something that puts some else first. Doing something for someone else will not only help you feel good about yourself but you will also appreciate what you have.


  1. Tells someone thank you. More often than not we get so wrapped up in our daily lives we forget to tell the people close to us that we appreciate them. One thing I love to do is send thank you cards. Sometimes being thanked and saying thank you can be a little awkward and uncomfortable, so in order to make it a little more comfortable I send a thank you card instead of verbally telling someone. No matter if you say it or write it, it’s completely amazing how two little words “Thank You” are so powerful.


  1. Change the way you think. Nothing in this world is easy and it never will be if you aren’t thankful for what you have. Change those negative thoughts to positive thoughts. Life is easier when you chose to be positive and appreciative. Think of gratitude as a gift. If you have all your limbs but someone you know doesn’t don’t only be thankful, see it as a gift.


  1. Be thankful and content. This can be the hardest of all; it’s inevitable that something in our day will make us angry or upset and it will be difficult to be thankful. But these are the times when we have to dig deep to really embrace gratitude. Remember there is always something that we can be thankful for even if it’s as small as rainless summer afternoon in central Florida.


Obviously these are a lot of tips and there is no need to employ them all, start small with any one of them and go for it.


What are you thankful for? I’m thankful for:


My parents – They support me in all that I do.

My family – I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful daughters that make my life full of adventure.

My friends – My best friend totally tells me like it is, even if I don’t want to hear it.

Movies – Totally addicted to Hallmark Chanel movies.

My house – I still pull up in the drive way and can’t believe it’s mine.

Nature – I love the outdoors, it can be so serene. However, I can do without all the bugs.

My Day Job – Some days not so much, but completely grateful for the paycheck.

Books – Real books, not eBooks. There is something really nostalgic about a hardback book that I will always love.

My Mind – With the mind I’m able to change the way I think, but most importantly it allows me to hold on to all the memories of the beautiful things that happen in life.

Me – Being able to be thankful for me has been a long journey, all too often I allowed my idiosyncrasies to define me, they don’t define me, I define myself by how I chose to see myself.


Now it’s your turn, write down at least 10 things you are thankful for. It may surprise you.



Be Thankful



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